Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Two Following Days

Just across the boundary of the Reynolds’ property, Johnny sits waiting for Tyler to come closer to where he has positioned himself. He’s been trying to find where Tyler would be riding for three days and now he has an ideal spot to make the kill. There’s no one around except for a few head of cattle. He knows the vultures will make short work of his body even before the Reynolds find him.

Come on damn it, I want to get this over with and head back to the ranch.

After what seems to take forever, Tyler moves into range Johnny knows he can take a killing shot. He begins to raise his rifle and pulls back the hammer slowly to minimize its noise.

Tequila stops, both of her ears stand straight up pointed forward. “What’s the matter girl, what do you see or what did you hear?” As he says these words, Tyler stretches downward over his saddle horn to rub her neck and calm her.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chapter Twenty-One Next Day

Jessica hears Tyler moving around in his room getting ready to leave. When he walks out, she says, “Maggie has invited both of us to breakfast this morning. Is that alright with you?”

“Of course, I would enjoy your company along with Maggie’s.”

She smiles and gets her shawl to put around her shoulders to give her a little warmth with the coolness of this early September morning.

As they walk down the street, Tyler said, “Do you have any idea why all of this might be happening?”

“I wish I did. All of this is so frightening. Maggie and I talked into the early hours of the morning the last two nights trying to figure out why this is happening. We were really happy that you stayed, it made us feel safer.

“If the two of you stay with the buddy system, both of you should be safe. Maggie has a shotgun, do you have a weapon?”

“Yes, I have the same type of gun she has.”

“Oh, I pity the person trying to mess with the two of you with those weapons in your hands.”

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chapter Twenty Looking for Clues

Peter says, “Henry, first of all, we want to thank you and your volunteers plus our doctor here for the efforts that were put into trying to locate the sheriff.

Your report makes it clear that the sheriff was killed by a white man. However, that doesn’t explain what else is happening in our area. The Martins and the Evans were killed with arrows.”

“You’re right Peter, I discussed that with Brave Eagle and he told me the fort is not having any problems with Indians in the territory anywhere other than a young buck that might pick up some whiskey once in awhile. He made me think when he said, “Not only Indians shoot arrows.”

“Henry, he’s an Indian, are you going to believe him?” says Jeff.

Loudly, “Yes, Jeff, I do. Something about the killings of the Martins and the Evans has stuck in my craw ever since they happened. I don’t know what it is yet, but I think there is more to it.”

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter Nineteen Reporting Back

Anxious to get the news of the death of sheriff McLane back to Captain Hardy, the sergeant has his column in the saddle longer than most patrols do in a day. His patrol arrives at the fort just after sunset on the second day of their return trip.

As they enter the parade grounds the sergeant says, “Take care of your mounts, I will notify the captain we returned, I will also make sure that there is a dinner meal ready for all of us.”

The duty sergeant comes up to Dinsmore, “How did your patrol go?”

“I’ll tell you later, just get word to the captain that we have returned. Tell him we found something he needs to be aware of. Ask him if he wants to meet with me this evening or first thing in the morning.”