Monday, September 1, 2014

Council Meeting

When everyone is seated, Peter begins.  He explains how Jake came to the hotel this afternoon and described what one of his customers saw through the window and where his remarks led.  

“Jake do you want to add anything to what I said?”

“No, I believe you covered everything just the way I told you.”

Randy says, “So why are we sitting here in an emergency meeting?”

Henry remarks, “Sounds to me like you expect this bunch to rob the bank.”

Doc Keller asks, “Didn’t we discuss that the building of a bank in town could cause robbers to try and steal the money? And cause havoc of unknown proportions.”

Jeff replies, “Yes, we did discuss it and I am the first to say we have been lax in creating a plan to insure our monies are safe, because we have been hoping to hire a sheriff.”

Joshua continues the conversation, “You expect one lawman to stand up to a gang of five or more.  I don’t think that is realistic.”

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