Monday, January 26, 2015

Robbery in Town

The two lawmen like this town, it is quaint, yet still moving forward.  Todd wonders how long it will be before another saloon moves into town.  He envisions the next one to have dancing girls and those who rent rooms by the hour.

As they walk near Maggie’s and Randy’s general store, they both hear someone stumble in back of the store. 

Todd moves into the alley and Lenny crosses the street to back him up.  They hear someone yell, “Danny wait up, don’t leave me.”

The sound of a horse taking off at a gallup is very evident.  As Todd nears the end of the general store he sees a rider climbing onto his saddle.

“Hold on there, I have questions for you.”

The rider spins his horse around and fires two shots at the sheriff.

Todd takes careful aim and fires once, knocking the rider out of the saddle.

Lenny yells out, “Todd, you okay.”

“Yeah, I’m okay, come back here and help me get this guy to the doc.”

Lenny nears the end of the buildings and looks around before he ventures over to where the wounded man is lying.  “What happened, I hear three shots?”

“Two were his and one was mine.

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